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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel

Albert Bertelsen, 1921-2019, oil on canvas. "Early Morning". Signed and dated 1984. Visible size: 61x80cm. With frame: 64x83cm

Price: 48,000.- DKK

Albert Bertelsen, 1921-2019, oil on canvas
"Early Morning"
Signed and dated 1984
Visible size: 61x80cm. With frame: 64x83cm
Visible size: 41x102cm. With frame: 44x105cm
Item number: 1641C

Shipped insured and free of charge throughout Denmark

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Victor Isbrand, 1897-1988, oil on plate. Self-por


Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel Nørreport 16 DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83




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