35,5cm x 27,5cm">
Dansk Deutsch English

An old printKoloreret in an old frame

"Hekla tager 5 tydske Fartøier under Svinemündes Batterier og i Paasyn af die unüberwindliche tydske Flaade" "Fa.... Østergade No. 69"


35,5cm x 27,5cm


An old printKoloreret in an old frame
"Hekla tager 5 tydske Fartøier under Svinemündes Batterier og i Paasyn af die unüberwindliche tydske Flaade" "Fa.... Østergade No. 69"
35,5cm x 27,5cm (we suppose that it is cut into this size)
Articleno.: 1007

  • Antikvitet.net Item number: 334074
  • Category: Sold

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Rare Dam Trold with a sword
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H: 15cm

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Lubrigation Service) and rails 9 curved + 4 
straight (with rust)
OBS: With booklet
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Please note that the ring easily and flexibel can 
be adjusted to the finger
The silversmith Jørgen Jensen (1895-1966), oldest 
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lid, antique
About 1900

Biscuit-box made of painted glass with a nickeled


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- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique
info@vikali.dk - +45 30303516
We sell by the internet, and when you want to buy, please contact us pr. mail: info@vikali.dk 
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