Richs was the substitution for the coffee during the war
All pictures inside ok
In a good condition">
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For the collector:

Rich's collection book

"Billeder af vort lands historie Richs" (Pictures from the story of our country Richs)

Richs was the substitution for the coffee during the war

All pictures inside ok

In a good condition


For the collector:
Rich's collection book
"Billeder af vort lands historie Udgivet af Richs" (Pictures from the story of our country Richs)
Richs was the substitution for the coffee during the war
All pictures inside ok
In a good condition
We have a large choice of collectable items for the collectors
Please contact us for further information
Articleno.: 51781

  • Item number: 402913
  • Category: Sold

Other products in this category

Frame with 5 prints of:
- Hans Egede
- Adam Oehlenschläger
- Johan Herman Wessel
- Johannes Ewald
- Ludvig Holberg
Printed in Em. Bærentzen & Co. Lith. Inst., 

Frame with 5 prints of: - Hans Egede - Adam Oehl

Watercolour by H. Runge from Flensburg, Germany
H: 35,5cm
W: 34cm

Watercolour by H. Runge from Flensburg, Germany F

Horse-drawn carriage with cargo
Made in the prison (Vestre Fængsel) in the 1930s 

Horse-drawn carriage with cargo Made in the priso

Duck decoy made of painted wood, antique
Year 1850-1900
30cm x 15cm x 12,5cm
Crack due to dryness and track of use

Duck decoy made of painted wood, antique Year 185


Tlf: +45 30 30 35 16

About us

- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique - +45 30303516
We sell by the internet, and when you want to buy, please contact us pr. mail: 
By ViKaLi is it possible to pay in Euro (€) direct to our €-bank account 
