Diam: about 18,5cm
H: about 6cm">
Dansk Deutsch English

Herman A. Kæhler bowl made og ceramic

Design: Ingrid Nørlev

Stamp: "Danmark" and signature HAK

Diam: about 18,5cm

H: about 6cm

Price: 650.- DKK

Herman A. Kæhler bowl made og ceramic
Design: Ingrid Nørlev
Stamp: "Danmark" and signature HAK
Diam: about 18,5cm
H: about 6cm
In a good condition but with an error at the edge (please look at the photo)
Articleno.: 4-710111

Other products in this category

Bing & Grøndahl Stoneware, Tema-Series 
Teapot sold
teacup with saucer, tea plate
Teapot: Dkr. 400,-, teacup with saucer Dkr. 90,-, 
tea plate Dkr 30,-
B&G-nr. Teapot: 656 and teacup : 475
We have several different parts for the B&G's 

Bing & Grøndahl Stoneware, Tema-Series Teapot so

An old vase, pottery
Signature: S.N.H.K.
H: about 25cm

An old vase, pottery Signature: S.N.H.K. H: abou

Antique dutch tiles places in frames
From the middle of the 1700-Year
Please enjoy the beautiful tiles
The tiles come from an old wall decoration / 
fireplace decoration
The frames come with 1, 2 or 3 tiles pr. frame

Antique dutch tiles places in frames From the mid

Søholm, Brun (brown) Granit, sugar basin
From Søholm in Denmark
Diam: 10 cm
H: 6cm
In a good condition

Søholm, Brun (brown) Granit, sugar basin From Søh


Tlf: +45 30 30 35 16


About us

- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique
info@vikali.dk - +45 30303516
We sell by the internet, and when you want to buy, please contact us pr. mail: info@vikali.dk 
By ViKaLi is it possible to pay in Euro (€) direct to our €-bank account 
