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For the collectors:

Old advertismentnotebook/pocket-notebook

From many old companies

Please contact us for price information

For the collectors:
Old advertismentnotebook/pocket-notebook
From many old companies: "Assuranceformidling - Wahl og Wesche Aktieselskab fra 1950" "G. Funders - Rebslageri & Børstefabrik, Vejle fra 1947" + "D.F.B. (Danske Forsvars Brødre) fra 1975" + " AGA - H. Steensenns Plante margarine - er altid den bedste" + "Extra Fin Gammel Rom - Den er god, den er fra Hermann G. (Dethleffsen A/S, Aabenraa, Vine og spirituoser)" + "E. Nobel København, Nykøbing (E. Nobels Lette Kvalitetscigarer)" + "H.B. Langwadt, Uhrmager, Guldsmed og optiker - Nørregade 26 i Haderslev - (Hare de en gammel ring - 1st. Kl. reparationsværksted)"
In a good condition
Articleno.: 4-61412

Other products in this category

An old item to keep hold of the map at the 
handlebars of the bicycle
Is to protect the map
Made of leather

An old item to keep hold of the map at the handleb

Retro/Vintage coat hanger
Vraped with the plastic band, which gives the 
beautiful decorations
Stock in trade: 52 different

Retro/Vintage coat hanger Vraped with the plastic

An old pair of glasses

An old pair of glasses

An old blackboard/slate - double - made of slate 
with an edge of wood
One part is checked the other part is ruled

An old blackboard/slate - double - made of slate w


Tlf: +45 30 30 35 16


About us

- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique
info@vikali.dk - +45 30303516
We sell by the internet, and when you want to buy, please contact us pr. mail: info@vikali.dk 
By ViKaLi is it possible to pay in Euro (€) direct to our €-bank account 
